The Key to a Successful Career

Public Relations students often wonder what the key is to having a successful career. Professionals often emphasize networking and proper writing skills as a way to land a job. For the students looking to stand apart from the crowd these tips just won’t cut it. They crave the juicy details on how to “make it” in the PR industry. There are many ambitious students applying for the same jobs across the country. Here are three simple tips to start you on the right track.

Understand that getting a job, IS a job. Whether you use social media, company websites or good old fashioned face-to-face communication, you must hunt for the job you want. Pursue employers actively. You cannot be passive when competing for a job. Email employers to inquire about current, and especially potential, opportunities. Follow professional social media accounts and constantly interact with them by liking, pinning or retweeting their information. If you follow the right people, eventually the right people will start following you! It’s also a great idea to use the wording provided in job descriptions on your personal profiles and resume so that when companies search for candidates, you match up.

Make it as easy as possible for potential employers to find you. Companies are solicited for employment on a regular basis. Being easily accessible will make a good impression on those looking to hire you. Connect your social media accounts so that employers spend less time searching for you and more time getting to know you. Having a personal website and business cards on hand are also ways to put yourself ahead of your competitors. Have your email and phone number available so that if employers do want to contact you they can do so as quickly as possible. If you are savvy enough, you can also add your social media accounts to the signature of your emails.

Be as consistent as possible. Once employers find you, they want to get to know the person they are potentially hiring. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, personal websites and any other forms of communication should all yield the same message. A resume that boasts about your ability to be organized should not be connected to a Facebook page that shows pictures of your messy room.  All of the information you give to the public should represent you in a positive, professional light. If anything on your social media profiles shouldn’t be seen by your grandmother, take it off. It is better to be overly conservative when you don’t have the opportunity to explain yourself.

The “secret” to landing a job in PR is that you must put in the work. Any PR professional will tell you that the amount of work you do will only increase once you get into this business. If you are willing to do the work, you will see the rewards. Always remember that the little things you do can help you to stand out in a big way.

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